CWSL Offers Funding for Students Seeking International Association of Privacy Professionals Certification

As part of its Law, Justice, and Technology Initiative (LJTI), CWSL is committed to giving students critical training in the fast-growing fields of intellectual property, privacy, and media law. The latest offering is an award offered to students who intend to take the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) certification exam after graduation. IAPP certification is a highly sought after qualification in the privacy field and rarely seen on recent law school graduates’ resumes. The award is open to all third-year students who are looking to boost their chances of early success in the area of privacy law and, if a student applies and receives an award, they will receive full or partial reimbursement for preparation and the cost of the exam itself.
Two recent graduates have already received the award, including James Thomas ‘24, who said, "Certification through the IAPP opens many doors in the legal profession. As a recent law school graduate, immediately pursuing certification will allow me to pursue roles with greater responsibility in an advanced timeline and begin to carve out a career specialty in a growing field. Understanding privacy law is instrumental for practicing attorneys in the interactive entertainment profession. I intend to use this certification to help independent software developers bring their creations to market in compliance with privacy laws in jurisdictions worldwide.”
Earlier this year, CWSL and the IAPP co-hosted a panel on the future of privacy law and new opportunities that are opening for students who want to make an impact in this burgeoning field. Additionally, this fall, CWSL will launch a new academic concentration in Intellectual Property, Privacy, and Media Law, allowing students to focus on national and international issues associated with the ownership, use, and regulation of technological advancements, data, and creativity.
Reflecting on his experience at CWSL, Mr. Thomas said, “California Western's New Media Rights clinic not only allowed me to work with clients on real-world intellectual property deliverables, but the program also allowed me to co-author comments submitted to the Copyright Office and an article appearing in the next issue of the Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal, giving me the ability to be a part of the conversation on artificial intelligence and copyright law while still in law school. Cal Western's reimbursement program means I will not have to wait to continue my legal education and can add immediate value to future employers.”
Students interested may contact Professor Art Neill for more information.