We are delighted you are interested in hiring our students and alumni. If you are looking for practice-ready candidates with skills to immediately contribute to your office, organization or agency, the Career and Professional Development Office (CPDO) at California Western is here to help you connect with qualified students and alumni.
Employer Opportunities
We offer a number of opportunitites for employers to advertise jobs and hire our students and alumni.
Thank you for your interest in connecting with our students and alumni to share job opportunities with your firm or organization. We are very pleased to assist you. Please register/submit a job listing on 12Twenty to advertise law clerk, post-bar law clerk, or attorney positions. If you have any questions, please contact Noelle Dorman in the CPDO.

Recruiting Programs
Employers can list law clerk and attorney job opportunities throughout the year using
the Advertise a Job Opportunity form. Then, each Spring and Fall, California Western
offers recruiting programs that include both on- and off-campus interviews as options
for employers to hire. Spring Recruiting advertises for summer and fall positions,
while Fall Recruiting advertises spring and summer positions.
We are currently accepting registrations for the Fall 2023 Recruiting Program. Please
contact Noelle Dorman in the CPDO to register and participate.
What employers say about CWSL students

The Honorable Anthony Battaglia, ’74
US District Judge for the Southern District of California
“California Western students are well prepared to do the work. Their course work is thorough, and their involvement in the STEPPS Program gives them the extra tools to immerse themselves quickly in the practical problems we face in court. Cal Western’s students also have been instilled with high standards of professionalism and civility. They are impressively trained future lawyers!"

Jacob Spaid, ’14
Associate, Higgs Fletcher & Mack LLP
"Giving back to the legal community is rewarding in and of itself. I’ve also found I enjoy the process of teaching and shaping students’ ethics, work quality, and professional habits."
Why hire our students
Our students work in inclusive environments with diverse populations
Ranked in the top 30 for racially and ethnically diverse U.S. law schools, according to U.S. News
Our students have practice-ready skills
- California Western is well known in San Diego and across the nation for the success of its competition teams. Our trial competition teams, appellate teams, and ADR teams give students the opportunity to learn courtroom and professional skills and become profession-ready advocates.
Our students have hands-on legal experience
- Throughtout their legal education, our students participate in a variety of experiential courses, including clinics, externships, and simulation courses to develop critical professional skills such as interviewing, counseling, negotiation, fact development and analysis, trial advocacy, document drafting, conflict resolution, organization and management of legal work, collaboration, cultural competency and self-evaluation.
Career and Professional Development Office
More than 75% of our students earn at least 720 hours of supervised, hands-on, practical legal experience before graduation. If you are interested in taking part in a recruiting event or want to post a job opportunity, please contact our office.
San Diego, CA 92101