Alumni News
Hon. Karen S. Crawford ’80 Receives the 2024 American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Ninth Circuit
Jul 25CWSL alumna Hon. Karen S. Crawford ’80 received the 2024 American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Ninth Circuit .
Twelve CWSL Alumni Named by San Diego Business Journal as Women of Influence in the Law
Jul 10Twelve California Western School of Law alumni and one CWSL employee were named by San Diego Business Journal as Women of Influence in the Law for 2024.
CWSL Alumna Rosy S. Meyerowitz '09 Assumes San Diego Judgeship
Jun 28CWSL alumna Rosy S. Meyerowitz '09, who was elected to the San Diego Superior Court in March has been appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to assume the judgeship immediately.