Faculty News
CWSL Professor Robert A. Bohrer Sheds Light on Alabama Supreme Court Personhood Decision
Mar 13Professor Robert A. Bohrer’s article, "A Freezer Chest Of Frozen Embryos: ‘Men And Women Of Good Conscience Can Disagree,'" sheds light on the legal consequences of the Alabama Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding frozen embryos .
California Western School of Law Professor James Cooper Publishes Op-Ed in The Hill
Mar 12The Hill published Professor James Cooper’s op-ed, “Celebrating a quarter-century of anti-bribery law,” co-written with hit record producer Fernando Garibay.
California Western School of Law Community Law Project Assistant Director Ted Janowsky Published in San Diego Lawyer Magazine
Mar 12CWSL’s Community Law Project Assistant Director, Ted Janowsky, recently had an article published in the San Diego Lawyer Magazine. The article highlights the work CLP does on behalf of the San Diego community, as well as the critical training that....