Scholarly Activity
Articles, Essays, Books, and Book Chapters 2021, 2022, 2023 2024 & Forthcoming
Aceves, William
Shadow Amendments, 60 Harv. J. Leg. 27 (2023).
On the Meaning of Color and the End of White(ness), 17 Harv. L. & Pol’y Rev. 79 (2022).
The Problem with Dobbs and the Rule of Legality, 111 Geo. L.J. Online 75 (2022)
Solving the Settlement Puzzle in Human Rights Litigation, 35 Geo. J. L. Eth. 105 (2022)
Hidden History and the Power of Social Movements: The Watts Gang Treaty, 57 Harv. Civ. Rts-Civ. Lib. L. Rev. 115 (2022)
Amending a Racist Constitution, 170 U. Pa. L. Rev. Online 1 (2021)
Behzadi Cárdenas, Emily
National Security or National Origin? The Implications of Florida’s Alien Land Law Under the Federal Fair Housing Act, 75 S.C. L REV (forthcoming)
Cultural Heritage & Neutrality in War, in Heritage in War and Peace (Sadowski ed.) (Springer, forthcoming)
Desettling Fixation, 102 N.C.L. REV (forthcoming 2024).
Cassirer v. Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation (U.S. Sup. Ct.), 62 Int'l Legal Materials 100 (2023).
His Ship Has Sailed—Expelling Columbus from Cultural Heritage Law, 56 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 315 (2023).
Statues of Fraud: Confederate Monuments as Public Nuisances, 18 Stan. J. C.R. & C.L. 1 (2022)
Cassirer v. Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation (U.S. Sup. Ct.), in International Legal Materials 1 (Cambridge 2022)
Destruction Of Cultural Heritage as A Violation of Human Rights: Application of The Alien Tort Statute, 73 Rutgers L. Rev. 525 (2021)
Art Law 201: Painting the Picture of Sales of Art During a Global Pandemic, 37 Ent. & Sports Law. 110 (2021)
Bisom-Rapp, Susan
Older Women Workers, the Pandemic, Employment Discrimination, and Lifetime Disadvantage, in Research Handbook of Law, Society and Ageing 265 (Sue Westwood & Nancy Knauer, eds., Edward Elgar 2024).
Regulatory Choices and Legal Disputes in the Fight Against COVID-19 Infections in the Workplace: A Comparison of Vaccine Mandates in the Italian and U.S. Contexts, in Work Beyond the Pandemic: Towards a Human Centered Recovery (with Marco Peruzzi) (Tindara Addabbo, et al., eds., Palgrave MacMillan 2024).
The Role of Law and Myth in Creating a Workplace that “Looks Like America,” 43 Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 251 (2022)
Bohrer, Robert
Crisis and Cultural Evolution: Steering the Next Normal from Self-Interest to Concern and Fairness, 54 Ind. L. Rev. 1 (2021)
Brenner Johnson, Hannah
Leadership, Law, and Pipelines to Power (forthcoming in Fall 2023).
McCarty v. Pheasant Run Rewritten, in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Torts Opinons (Chamallas & Finley eds.) (Cambridge 2021)
Incorporating Feminist Perspectives Throughout Law School Curriculum, in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Property Opinions (Rodriguez-Dob & Marty-Nelson eds.) (Cambridge 2021)
Cooper, James
The Geopolitics of the Regulation of the Development and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence, Boston U. Int’l L. J. (forthcoming Spring, 2024)
The Digital Dollar’s Long and Winding Road, J. of Digital Assets (forthcoming Sept./Oct. 2023).
Intellectual Property Piracy in the Time of the Metaverse, 63 IDEA – L. Rev. of Frankin Pierce Center for IP 479 (2023)
Bizarre Love Triangle: The Trilateral Responses to Tame the United States-Mexico Border, 28 Sw.J. Int'l L. 1 (2022)
Same As It Ever Was: The Tijuana River Sewage Crisis, Non-State Actors, and the State, Cardozo Int'l L. & Comp. L. Rev. 175 (2022)
Games Without Frontiers: The Increasing Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for the People’s Republic of China, 22 Wake Forest J. of Bus. & Intel. Prop. L. 43 (2021)
Some Reflections on the Fourth Chilean-German-Tanzanian Legal Talk, 4 Desc. Rev. 1 (Dec. 2021)
Dadhania, Pooja
State Responsibility for Forced Migration 64 B.C.L. Rev. (forthcoming)
Gender-Based Religious Persecution, 107 Minn. L. Rev. (forthcoming)
Reimagining Sovereignty to Protect Migrants, 47 Yale J. Int'l L. Online 71 (2022)
Fields, Shawn
Rights Without Cops: Protecting Civil Liberties in a Post-Police World (University of California Press 2025)
The Procedural Justice Industrial Complex, 99 Ind. L.J. __ (2024)
The Fourth Amendment Without Police, 90 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1023 (2023)
Neighborhood Watch: Policing White Spaces in America (Cambridge University Press 2022)
Protest Policing and the Fourth Amendment, 55 U.C. Davis. L. Rev. 347 (2021) (cited by the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals)
The Elusiveness of Self-Defense for the Black Transgender Community, 21 Nev. L.J. 975 (2021) (invited symposium essay)
Fink, Jessica
Using a “Bystander Bounty” to Encourage the Reporting of Workplace Sexual Harassment, 76 Smul. Rev. (forthcoming)
Sidelined Again: How the Government Abandoned Working Women Amidst a Global Pandemic, Utah L. Rev. 469 (2022)
Hardee, Catherine
Who Is the Corporation?, in States, Firms and Their Legal Fictions: Attributing Identity and Responsibility to Artificial Entities (Cambridge, forthcoming)
Jones, Joshua
Joshua Aaron Jones, Building a Community of Inquiry Through Interactive Materials: The Interactive Syllabus, 45 Nova L. Rev. 353 (2021)
Klein, Kenneth
Is Fire Insurable? Insights from Bushfires in Australia and Wildfires in the United States, in Climate, Society and Elemental Insurance 111 (Booth, Lucas, & French eds.) (Routledge 2022)
Ashes to Ashes: A Way Home for Climate Change Survivors 67 Ariz. L. Rev. 679 (2021)
Marcus, Nancy
When "Riot" Is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Critical Need for Constitutional Clarity in Riot Laws, 60 AM. Crim. L. Rev. (forthcoming)
Bridging the Gap in LGBTQ+ Rights Litigation: A Community Discussion on Bisexual Visibility in the Law, 34 Hastings J. Gender & Law 67 (2022) (with B.C Malakia, A. Tweedy, & M. Reid)
Yes, Alito, There is a Right to Privacy: Why the Leaked Dobbs Opinion is Doctrinally Unsound, 13 ConLawNow 101 (2022)
The Duty of Manufacturers to Consumers Under California Fraudulent Concealment Law, 58 Cal. W.L Rev. 49 (2022)
Bostock v. Clayton County and the Problem of Bisexual Erasure, 15 NW. U.L. Rev. Colloquy 223 (2021)
Neill, Art
New Media Rights' Internet & Media Law Clinic, 17 Cal. Legal Hist. 143 (2022)
Oppong, Richard Frimpong
Digitalisation and the Future of the Ghana Legal System (Ghana Academy of Arts & Sciences 2022)
Conflict of Laws in Ghana (Sedco 2021) (with K. Agyebeng)
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, in UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law 189 (Michaels, Abou-Nigm & van Loon, eds.) (Intersentia 2021)
Common Law Africa, in Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts 274 (Girsberger, Graziano, & Neels eds.) (Oxford 2021)
Padilla, Laura
Real Estate Trends: Title and Blockchain Technology, 10 Belmont L. Rev. (forthcoming)
The Black-White Paradigm’s Ongoing Erasure of Latina/os: See Women Law Deans of Color, 99 Denv. L. Rev. (2022)
Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats? Sea Level Rise, Land Use and Property Rights, 51 Tex Evntl. L.J. 27 (2021)
Women Law Deans, Gender Sidelining and Presumptions of Incompetence, 35 Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just. 1 (2021)
Rierson, Sandra
Tracing the Roots of the Thirteenth Amendment, 91 UMKC L. Rev. 57 (2022)
The Wilmington Massacre and Coup of 1898 and the Search for Restorative Justice, 14 Elon L. Rev. 117 (2022) (with M.H. Schwimmer)
Roy, Lisa Shaw
The Establishment Clause, Civil Rights, and the Accommodationist Path Forward, 54 Loy. U. Chi. L. J. 759 (2023)
Civil Religion as Civil Rights: The New Mississippi Flag, 90 Miss. L. J. 875 (2022)
The Replacement Campaign: Monuments and Symbols, 56 Tulsa L. Rev. 255 (2021)
Sax, Joanna
COVID-19 Pediatric Vaccine Authorization, FDA Authority, and Individual Misperception of Risk, J. of L. & the Biosciences (forthcoming)
International Regulation of Genetically Engineered Food, in Research Handbook on International Food Law (Roberts ed.) (Edward Elgar, 2023)
Genetically Engineered Food, Food Security, and Climate Change, 6 Mo. Bus., Entrepreneurship, & Tax L. Rev. 1 (2022)
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and (Mis)perception of Risk, 48 AM. J.L. & Med. 54 (2022)
Response to: A Telehealth Explosion: Using Lessons from the Pandemic to Shape the Future of Telehealth Regulation, 9 Texas A&M L. Rev. Arguendo 25 (2021) .
Sheley, Erin
The Purloined Debtor: Edgar Allan Poe's Bankruptcy in Law and Letters, Yale J. L. & Human. (forthcoming) (with Z. Rosen)
The Dignitary Confrontation Clause, 97 Wash. L. Rev.. 207 (2022)
Reconceiving Coercion-Based Defenses, 112 J. Crim. L. & Crim. 265 (2022) (with S. Galoob)
Criminalizing Coercive Control Within the Limits of Due Process, 70 Duke L. Rev. 1321 (2021)
Simon, Brenda
Using Artificial Intelligence in the Law Review Submissions Process, 56 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 347 (2022)
Preserving the Fruits of Labor: Impediments to University Inventor Mobility, 89 Tenn. L. Rev. 1 (2021)
Smythe, Donald
Exacting Inclusion: Property Theory, the Character of Government Action, and Implicit Takings, 25 Chapman L. Rev. 127 (2022)
SCOTUS in the Strait of Messina: Steering the Course Between Private Rights and Public Powers, 25 Tex. Rev. L. & Pol. (2021)
van de Biezenbos, Kristen
Climate Proof Electricity, 2025 Utah Law Review __ (forthcoming 2025).
The Case Against Regional Transmission Monopolies, 101 Washington University Law Review 69 (2023).
Lost in Transmission: A Constitutional Approach to Achieving a Nationwide Net Zero Electricity System, 59 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 629 (peer reviewed, 2022).
“When Social License and Sovereignty Collide on First Nations Lands in Canada,” in The Palgrave Handbook on Social License to Operate and Energy Transitions (Palgrave, 2022).
Williams, Spencer
Layered Alignment, work in progress
Generative Contracts, ARIZONA STATE LAW JOURNAL (forthcoming 2024)
Contractual Complexity, DELAWARE JOURNAL OF CORPORATE LAW (forthcoming 2024)
Algorithmic Price Gouging in THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE LAW (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024)
LegalBench: A Collaboratively Built Benchmark for Measuring Legal Reasoning in Large Language Models, co-authored with Guha et al., 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)
Contracts as Systems, 45 DELAWARE JOURNAL OF CORPORATE LAW 219 (2021)
Yeager, Daniel
Arrests: Legal and Illegal, 40 GEORGIA STATE LAW REVIEW 389 (2024)
A History of Fruit of the Poisonous Tree (1916-1942), 67 HOWARD LAW JOURNAL 51 (2024)
Enforcing Concurrent Sentences, 58 Cal. W. L. Rev. 91 (2022)