California Western School Of Law building background

Job Search Tools

The Career and Professional Development Office (CPDO) is here to help you maximize the benefit of your rigorous legal training. It is important to utilize all job search options, including networking with alumni and employers. CPDO is here to help you make the most of these tools.

Job search websites


12twenty is an online job search database. Students and alumni can access the California Western 12twenty page.

For first time log-ins:
Current students: Click "Set up an account" using their student email address.
Alumni: Click "Set up an account."

California Western School of Law regularly works with Judge Advocates General (JAG) recruiters from all branches of the military. Recruiters hold information sessions multiple times per year and often interview on campus for internships and officer positions. Interested students are encouraged to visit the Career and Professional Development Office early in their law school careers. Our staff can help you understand the expectations of these recruiters and how to make yourself an attractive applicant. We encourage prospective students to visit our Military Students page to find out more about what California Western has to offer.