Academic Notices
Preparation is a key component of your legal education. On this page, you will find important student announcements, class schedules, faculty office hours, room changes and more. The information on this page is regularly updated by the Registrar’s Office.
Academic Notices
You should check this section regularly as it is updated throughout the academic year. You can find class assignments, faculty office hours, class cancellations and makeups, final exam schedules, and final exam instructions.

Academic Notices
You should check this section regularly as it is updated throughout the academic year.
Class Assignments, Class Cancellations & Faculty Office Hours
Find important information regarding class assignments, class cancellations, and faculty office hours.
Important campus-wide information is sent to students via their CWSL email. It is your responsibility to check and clear out your mailbox, so it doesn’t exceed its storage space. If you don’t maintain your inbox, trash box, and sent messages, messages may not get through to you. If you are having your e-mail forwarded through CWSL to another account, please note you are still responsible for being accessible through e-mail.
Rescheduling Final Examinations
The deadline for all non-emergency requests for final exam rescheduling for the Fall 2024 semester is Friday, November 1, 2024. All requests must be submitted to the Office of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. Requests will not be accepted after the deadline, so please review your exam schedule carefully before the deadline above.
All exam disability accommodation requests should also be submitted to the Office
of Student and Diversity Services by Friday, November 1, 2024. Please see Student and Diversity Services for any paperwork requirements.
Students are expected to take their exams at the scheduled time. Exams will not be rescheduled to accommodate vacations. Reschedules for other travel, work, or commitments will only be granted in limited circumstances. Students should not make any travel arrangements before receiving approval from the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs for a reschedule request.
See Academic Policy 5.04 which states:
Students are required to take final examinations at regularly scheduled times.
The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs may reschedule examinations in the case of serious student illness, family death, and similar emergency circumstances and as a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Academic Affairs Committee may, upon student petition, reschedule examinations in other compelling personal circumstances. All non-emergency requests for final exam rescheduling or accommodations must be made thirty (30) days prior to the last day of class work.
If a student has two examinations scheduled at the same hour, upon petition one of the examinations may be rescheduled to an available examination period on the same day. If a student has four or more examinations scheduled on two consecutive days, upon petition one examination may be rescheduled to the next available exam period.
Whenever possible, examinations will be rescheduled to a later rather than an earlier date. When an examination has been rescheduled, the professor in his or her sole discretion may give a different or changed examination. All students taking an examination at other than its regularly scheduled time will be required to sign an Honor Code statement certifying that they have obtained no information about the regularly scheduled examination.
For more information, email AcademicAffairs@cwsl.edu.
Keeping Track of Absences
Students are responsible for keeping track of their number of absences. For additional
questions regarding your attendance, email attendance@cwsl.edu.
Please note the attendance policy below:
As a requirement for accreditation of law schools by the American Bar Association, regular and punctual class attendance is necessary. Each law school has the burden to demonstrate enforcement of this class attendance requirement. To fulfill this burden and foster a uniform and fair standard, the law school requires that students must be present for 80% of the regularly scheduled sessions or he/she will be automatically withdrawn from the course by the Registrar. For any class that is scheduled on a day or time other than that listed in the official course schedule and that is recorded by the instructor (a “make-up” class), students who do not attend the make-up class in person may receive attendance credit if they watch the recorded class within three weeks of the make up class meeting.
Unless a more restrictive policy is specified in writing by a professor on or before the first day of class, the 80% requirement means that a student will be withdrawn from a course if the student has more than 3 absences, in those classes which meet once a week; or 5 absences, in those classes which meet twice a week; or 8 absences, in those classes which meet three times a week. For purposes of this rule, the reason for the absence is immaterial and there are no excused absences. In very exceptional circumstances, a student may be readmitted to class with the permission of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, upon consultation with the instructor.
Consistent with the provisions of Academic Policy 4.01, governing make-up classes, for all class sessions except asynchronous class sessions, a student who enrolls in a course during the add/drop period after the course officially has begun shall have absences for class meetings conducted prior to the student's enrollment count toward their maximum allotted absences for the course. For asynchronous recorded class sessions, a student may receive attendance credit for watching the recordings of any class meetings conducted prior to the student's enrollment, provided that asynchronous class-session recordings are viewed within the time period, and consistent with any other conditions, designated by the faculty member for viewing recorded classes. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, during the 2021-2022 academic year, any student who misses any class(es) taught in person due to illness may seek permission from the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs to receive attendance credit for watching recordings of any missed class(es), provided that those recordings are available and viewed within three weeks from the date of the scheduled class, and consistent with any other conditions, designated by the faculty member for viewing recorded classes. This paragraph shall be subject to Academic Policy 4.05.
Each instructor will inform his/her class of the method he/she will use to determine class attendance. Moreover, each instructor will advise the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs when a student has exceeded the permissible number of absences.
When a student has been withdrawn from a course because he/she has exceeded the permissible number of absences, a grade of F will be recorded on the student's transcript for that course. See Section 3.05.