Counseling and Mentoring
Law school is a challenging but rewarding experience. The Office of Student Affairs is here to help students navigate this life-changing journey.
We're Here to Help

Coaching & Mentorship
We understand you are more than a law student. Beyond coursework, externships, and clinics, you also have the demands of everyday life. All incoming students are invited to participate in “New to Law School Coaching.” This coaching session provides personalized assistance for your transition to law school.
Our Student Affairs staff offer non-academic coaching services and counseling referrals for all students. Topics are set by the student and may include coaching strategies for stress management, course planning, learning strategies, and support for balancing law school and life demands.
A valuable mentor is your California Western faculty. We strongly encourage you to meet with their faculty “point of contact” and a staff member of the Student Affairs office early in your law school career. Continue these meetings throughout your legal education as it helps ensure that you will receive current and tailored feedback to support success in law school.

Counseling Referrals
As a California Western student, you have access to free counseling sessions with a local therapist to support your well-being and academic success. California Western pays for three visits per trimester. If you need more information, see our Student Affairs Canvas page. You can also call or stop by our office. You may also email us at studentaffairs@cwsl.edu.