COVID Updates
Updated cases from Aug 23, 2022 to Jan 30, 2023
For more information visit the following pages below
Vaccination Update
COVID vaccinations and boosters will be strongly recommended. We will no longer require vaccinations or boosters for COVID starting November 1, 2023.
Spring 2023 trimester update
As we enter 2023 and the fall semester, California Western will continue to utilize the COVID-19 policies and procedures that were updated in the fall. These include the following:
Mask Policy
Masks are strongly recommended on the California Western campus.
Stay Home When Sick
Many COVID-19 cases at California Western, along with the spread of other diseases like the flu and common cold, are the result of individuals with signs of illness coming to campus. Please utilize personnel and academic policies as needed to care for yourself and protect others.
Free Masks
The law school is providing free masks that are available in several locations throughout the Cal Western campus buildings.
Testing Kits
Testing kits are available at the security desk located in the 350 Cedar Street building upon request.
Positive Test Procedure
If you test positive for COVID-19, please notify mwallace@cwsl.edu. Students should also contact attendance@cwsl.edu for class information and instructions.
Fall 2022 trimester update
Based on several health and pedagogic factors, we are revising the mask policy. Masks are no longer required in the classrooms or the library as of August 23, 2022. Instead, they are strongly recommended on all parts of the California Western campus.
This decision follows careful consultation with the return-to-campus committee along with feedback from the California Western community. The key factors included San Diego County returning to the medium tier for COVID-19 Community Levels, the low case rate and high vaccination rate at the law school, the desire to enhance the classroom experience, and the need to rebuild community.
Mask Policy
Beginning Tuesday, August 23, masks are strongly recommended on the California Western campus.
Stay Home When Sick
Many COVID-19 cases at California Western, along with the spread of other diseases like the flu and common cold, are the result of individuals with signs of illness coming to campus. Please utilize personnel and academic policies as needed to care for yourself and protect others.
Free Masks
The law school is providing free masks that are available in several locations throughout the Cal Western campus buildings.
Testing Kits
Testing kits are available at the security desk located in the 350 Cedar Street building upon request.
Positive Test Procedure
If you test positive for COVID-19, please notify mwallace@cwsl.edu. Students should also contact attendance@cwsl.edu for class information and instructions.
Fall 2022 trimester
As we prepare for the Fall 2022 trimester, we would like to inform you of the law school’s COVID-19 protocols and resources.
These policies are always informed by local, state, and national public health guidelines. In the interest of protecting the community, California Western tends to take a cautious approach. Our goal is to find an appropriate balance between health and safety while limiting disruptions to the academic and social experience.
Mask Policy
Beginning Monday, August 15, masks are required in the library and the classrooms. They are strongly recommended in other campus locations. This policy is informed by San Diego currently being in the high tier for COVID-19 Community Levels and represents a good-faith attempt to prioritize safety and health without imposing undue burdens.
Free Masks
To assist our community members in complying with the mask policy, the law school is providing free masks that are available in several locations throughout the Cal Western campus buildings.
Testing Kits
In addition, testing kits are available at the security desk located in the 350 Cedar Street building upon request.
Positive Test Procedure
In the event you test positive for COVID-19, please notify JavaScript Required. Students should also contact JavaScript Required for class information and instructions.
Other Measures
Even with a negative test, community members are encouraged to stay home if they are not feeling well. JavaScript Required These measures, along with the vaccine and booster requirement, help maximize our opportunities for a healthy learning environment.
California Western will continue to monitor community level data to make any adjustments as needed based on guidance from public health experts.
Thank you for continuing to prioritize the wellness and safety of your fellow community members.
Exposure guidance
If you have recently been exposed to COVID-19, please follow the CDC quarantine/isolation guidance.
Summer 2022 Update
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the California Western School of Law has set policies based upon the advice of public health experts and officials. This has served us well in protecting our community. Following the recommended health protocols has led us to having a community that is over 96% vaccinated.
Effective June 3, 2022, the School has reinstituted the mask policy on campus. Masks will be required indoors on campus. Community members are still urged to exercise sound judgment and empathy. Please stay home if you are sick, respect the wishes of those who do not mask, and continue to take protective measures. Masks and COVID-19 tests are available at the Security Desk upon request.
Based on CDC guidance, effective May 9, 2022, masks will be optional throughout the campus. As always, community members are urged to exercise sound judgement and empathy: follow CDC guidelines, stay home if you are sick, and respect the wishes of those who do mask, whether to protect themselves or a loved one. Free COVID home test kits will be available on campus to anyone who wants one.
California Western will continue to monitor the virus nationally, regionally, and locally. As a result, this policy can change based on updated data supplied by the CDC or other agencies. In addition, the vaccination requirement remains in effect for all people entering campus, including the newly admitted students beginning in Fall.
Spring 2022 Update
- Current COVID policies remain in place for continuity through the end of the spring trimester, but the committee will revisit the mask policy for the summer term. As always, guidance from public health officials will inform any changes.
- Effective April 25, California Western will begin offering home tests available in place of on-campus testing, given the relatively low number of individuals utilizing this service and the ample supply of home tests currently available.
- Food service in the Library Market will re-open May 9.
Return to Campus, Spring 2022
We are excited to announce our official plans to return to campus. Thank you for your continued efforts to keep the California Western community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic in all of its variations.
Based on our highly vaccinated population and current public health data including local infection and mortality rates, we expect to resume in-person instruction on Monday, February 28, 2022.
We’re also pleased to offer campus access to eligible individuals beginning February 14 for study space, meetings, or other small group activities.
Masking is still required inside law school facilities. Please click here to view acceptable masks.
To ensure a smooth transition back to campus, all staff should plan to return to campus no later than Feb 14. Between February 14 and the 28, staff may choose to continue remote work up to 2 days a week in consultation with their supervisor.
With the start of in-person classes on February 28, staff should plan to be at work full-time with the option of working no more than 1 day remotely.
As always, Department Heads have discretion to approve either the initial 2-day or subsequent 1-day remote work policy based on the needs of each role and department. Requests for remote work arrangements that exceed these limits must be submitted to Human Resources.
We look forward to returning to our physical campus in order for us to reconnect as a community.
Spring 2022 Trimester Update
Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and understanding as we navigate the Spring 2022 trimester.
The law school administration continues to work with a medical consultant to craft protocols that strike the appropriate balance between ensuring the continuity of the educational program and reducing the health risks created by COVID-19 and its variants.
Please keep in mind that these protocols and dates may change depending on multiple variables and the medical advice we receive.
Remote Instruction
Classes will be taught remotely through Friday, February 25, 2022. In-person classes will resume on Monday, February 28, 2022. This date may change depending on the course of the virus.
Access to campus
While courses will be taught remotely, campus facilities re-opened as scheduled on January 3, 2022. Core services including the library remain available.
To access campus, you must have received a booster if eligible under CDC booster guidelines.
You may access campus if you are within the six-month (Pfizer or Moderna) or two-month period (Janssen) after your original vaccination depending on which vaccine you received. Once the relevant period expires, all community members eligible to receive a booster shot must have received one before accessing the campus.
Booster eligibility
Generally, you are eligible to receive a booster six months after your second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, or two months after the J& J vaccine. If you are within the original six or two month window, you are not yet eligible to receive the booster.
More information on boosters can be found here.
Providing proof of booster
Please submit your attestation form here, and follow the instructions provided to you by either HR or student services.
If the law school granted you a vaccine exemption, the original protocols continue to apply.
To help alleviate the challenge we are opening testing to all CWSL staff, faculty, students and their immediate family members. Testing is offered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am-11am in Student Services. There is no charge for the testing and no need for a reservation. Tests results are texted to the individual before 12 noon on the day of testing.
All community members will be required to wear masks while inside law school facilities. Please click here to view acceptable masks.
Questions or concerns
Please address any questions or concerns you have about the preceding protocols to the following: Students: Dean of Students Lisa Ferreira at JavaScript Required Staff: VP of Administration Dave Blake at JavaScript Required
COVID 19 Protocols for Campus Community Exposure Incidents and Positive Cases
February 22 2022
Thank you for your patience as the Return-to-Campus-Committee considered whether to continue to require masks indoors while on campus. We have decided to continue the indoor mask mandate with a slight modification: effective immediately, masks are required for groups of 6 or more people when meeting in enclosed spaces on campus. Groups of 5 or fewer people meeting inside may decide collectively whether to remain masked. We ask that we be courteous and respectful of one another in small group settings.
January 14 2022
- In addition to the established CWSL vaccine policy, all students, faculty, and staff will be required to attain a COVID-19 booster shot before accessing campus.
- The proof of booster form is available through your student portal. The deadline for submission is Monday, January 31.
- The law school has provided a process to request an exemption for medical reasons under limited circumstances, as federal or state law requires. The request for a medical exemption to the booster is located through the student portal. The deadline to apply for a medical exemption is Friday, January 21.
- Prior to January 31, students may access all campus buildings for support, online learning, including use of the Law Library prior to our in-person return by meeting the current access requirements. Review and complete the Booster Attestation form prior to coming to campus.
- In the event that you are sick with a COVID-19 related illness that would impact your learning, please email JavaScript Required. CWSL Attendance Policy remains in effect, see Academic Policies 4.01, 4.02 for further guidance.
- Please visit our website for the latest news regarding COVID. For any questions, please contact JavaScript Required.
December 27 2021
- In the wake of the omicron variant, CWSL leadership has decided to move classes to remote online instruction from the start of the spring 2022 trimester through February 28.
- Per the CDC’s recommendation, we strongly encourage booster shots as one important step in returning to campus
December 17 2021
- Thank you to all for helping to keep our community safe during the fall semester. Through collective effort and shared sacrifice we ended the term with only 16 positive COVID cases reported. This is a huge success, and one we intend to build upon for spring term.
- Please note that the state has re-issued a mask requirement for indoor settings regardless of vaccination status
- CWSL leadership asks all faculty, staff, and students to be mindful of COVID prevention best practices during the holiday season, particularly those who are traveling.
December 08 2021
- Please follow CDC recommendations regarding booster shots
- The CWSL administration continues to follow the relevant health authority recommendations with regards to the Omnicon variant. As new guidance is issued, CWSL will adjust policies accordingly
- At the moment, we anticipate continuing the mask mandate for the spring academic semester.
- CWSL leadership asks all faculty, staff, and students to be mindful of COVID prevention best practices during the holiday season, particularly those who are traveling.
November 10 2021
11.01 to 11.07 marked the 3rd straight week without any reported positive COVID test results.
November 03 2021
During the two-week period between Oct. 18 and Oct. 31, there were zero positive COVID tests reported. Thank you all for your efforts to keep our community healthy.
October 20 2021
- Please note the updated building signage with detailed mask requirements; this is important for continuing our successful efforts to limit the spread of COVID 19
- Amongst the student population, we have 639 confirmed vaccinations for a total vaccination rate of 97%, with 14 abstentions and 17 approved exemptions
October 13 2021
The administration continues to work with newly admitted students on complying with the vaccine mandate
October 06 2021
- On October 1, 2021 Testing Protocol was Updated and new Testing Attestation Form was sent to all students who must test weekly to be on campus.
- 100% of staff accessing campus are now vaccinated
- 15 total students have received a vaccine exemption
- The administration is working with the next incoming class of students to implement the vaccination policy
- On Campus Testing Stats – since August 30, 8 sessions of on-campus COVID Rapid Antigen Testing – 104 test conducted; 1 positive.
September 30 2021
- At this time, CWSL is not expanding the vaccine mandate to require booster shots. The committee will continue to revisit the issue.
- Please continue to follow all CWSL COVID-19 policies. In particular, quarantining is not necessary if you are vaccinated and you’ve been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive to COVID-19, given our existing vaccine mandate and high vaccination numbers. If you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or have tested positive, you should contact Mercedez Wallace. This policy is in accordance with current CDC guidelines. If you’re unsure about any aspect of the policy, or need to report a positive COVID test contact Mercedez Wallace in HR.
September 22 2021
Any individual accessing the California Western campus must be masked, including vendors and visitors. Individuals must also continue to follow all other applicable policies and requirements for access to campus.
September 15 2021
- Please refer to the updated mask policy, including the requirement to that face masks be worn over the mouth and nose to protect yourself and your fellow community members.
September 01 2021
- As of 9.1.21, 99% of students who are accessing the campus are vaccinated.
- Between 8.24.21 and 9.1.21, a total of 4 cases of COVID-19 have been reported. A dashboard will be posted in the coming weeks that will provide information on relevant COVID-19 statistics.
August 25 2021
- Classes are still scheduled to resume in person Monday, August 30.
- 100% of faculty and staff are either vaccinated or exempted
- Nearly 100% have students are vaccinated or exempted, and we expect the number to increase this week
- Beginning August 30, we will be offering free COVID testing on Monday in the Student Affairs conference room. Testing is on a drop-in basis and will run from 7:30am-9:00 am.
- Tests are administered mid-nasal and results are available within 30 minutes. Should you test positive you will be immediately notified. Please contact Mercedez Wallace in HR for what to do if you test positive.
- Clarification of policy about eating on campus: outdoor eating is recommended as the safest option, but indoor eating with adequate social distancing (in all buildings) is also acceptable. Masking is required unless actively eating or drinking.
August 19 2021
- Masking will be required for all faculty and students inside the classroom. Faculty are expected to remain masked even if teaching behind a plexiglass divider.
- As of 8/19/21 over 99% of full-time faculty and staff have been vaccinated, and 92% of all students have been vaccinated. That number will rise as student services continues to verify submissions.
August 18 2021
California Western School of Law is now open, and all staff are expected to report
- We continue to expect classes to resume in person on August 30
- As part of a concierge medical program, we will offer free testing to all faculty and staff beginning August 30, 8am, in the Student Affairs conference room, first floor, 350 Cedar Street. Should you feel you have been exposed to, or showing symptoms of, COVID19 you are welcomed to test. You will be administered a antigen test by a licensed nurse. Results are provided by the nurse within 30 minutes. Should you test positive, please notify your supervisor, return home, and contact Mercedez Wallace in HR for information on quarantining.
- Visitors without a host must present valid proof of vaccination to security and may be required to provide a valid reason for their visit to campus.
August 11 2021
- California Western continues to plan to reopen August 16
- Please make sure you’re communicating with your supervisor to ensure a smooth return process
- 99% of staff and full-time faculty are now vaccinated
- 86% of students have confirmed their vaccination status
August 05 2021
- Masking will remain in effect until further notice.
- New reopening date set for 8/16.
- We recommend that department heads work on staggering the return as needed.
- Orientation is proceeding as planned in a hybrid format.
July 30 2021
- Campus reopening delayed. While we intended to reopen campus on August 2, reopening will be delayed. We will reassess next week. We anticipate that public health authorities will review the new information and hopefully provide institutions such as ours with updated guidance on what precautions are advisable and perhaps, mandated. While this delay is not yet legally mandated, it seems prudent to take this step.
- Vaccination and masks while on law school premises. While the Committee monitors the situation and await guidance from health officials, employees and students coming to campus must be vaccinated or have received an exemption, and must wear a mask while on campus, whether inside law school buildings or outside on law school property. Social distancing is not required if on campus, so consistent with current CDC guidelines you may meet with others indoors, including in offices, provided that all are masked and vaccinated.
- In-person v. virtual events. We're reiterating a strong preference for events to be virtual rather than in-person. We are not yet prohibiting in-person events and activities, but all organizers should consider converting these events to virtual events.
- Fall classes will be in-person unless health considerations dictate otherwise. At the moment, we still intend for classroom instruction this Fall to be in-person.